Marriage Counseling

Heal brokenness in your marriage.

Can you relate to any of these painful experiences?

"We've had significant long-term struggles and nothings seems to change."

"We've had a pretty good marriage, but recently everything has imploded."

"Much of the time I feel hopeless that my marriage can ever be different and helpless to change it."

"Our marriage is filled with conflict, criticism, contempt, and blaming."

"We've spent a small fortune on marriage counseling. We don't know what else to do."

"My spouse is frequently disengaged, withdrawn, or checked out."

"I feel crazy in this relationship and I don't understand why."

"My spouse is addicted to pornography, sex, or more illicit behavior."

"My spouse had an affair and I can't just get over it."

"We struggle with sexual intimacy and don't know how to talk about it."

"We are unable to sustain a meaningful emotional connection."

Intensive counseling for marriages offers true hope and help to couples who have run out of options.

At Restoring the Soul, we regularly work with couples whose marriages are in severe crisis. In fact, the average couple who attends one of our intensives has made two to three attempts at marriage counseling in the past. Yet they often go on to experience major breakthrough during our intensives.

Our marriage intensive counseling approach helps couples fully explore unresolved trauma in a shame-free space, allowing you and your partner the opportunity to discover deep change.


Don't let the struggles in your marriage have the last word. Find a path forward in as little as two weeks.