Intensive counseling is an investment in you.
What would you give for freedom?
How many times have you hoped for a process to help you move forward? How many times have you said you’d give anything to save your marriage? How many times have you said you’d do whatever it took to overcome your compulsive behavior?
The stakes are high if something doesn’t change — your struggle is already costing you. That’s why addressing your issues with a life-changing process is worth it.
One Week Intensive Counseling Process™
Two Week Intensive Counseling Process™
Registration fees do not include travel and lodging.
Fill out our inquiry form for ministry discounts and give a brief explanation for your request.
“Now that I’ve experienced the Intensive Counseling Process I can honestly say I’d pay twice as much. How do you put a price tag on a restored marriage and new way of living?”
— Daniel, Physician
Getting financial support
Over the past twelve years, nearly half of our intensive counseling clients from around the world have received assistance from third parties such as a sponsoring church, supporting organization, foundation, family member, or friend. We’ve learned that when someone with a need is willing to ask their own community for help, amazing things happen.